Section: New Software and Platforms


Crible Algébrique: Distribution, Optimisation - Number Field Sieve

Functional Description

CADO-NFS is a complete implementation in C/C++ of the Number Field Sieve (NFS) algorithm for factoring integers and computing discrete logarithms in finite fields. It consists in various programs corresponding to all the phases of the algorithm, and a general script that runs them, possibly in parallel over a network of computers.

  • Participants: Emmanuel Thomé, Pierrick Gaudry, Paul Zimmermann, Alexander Kruppa, François Morain, Cyril Bouvier.

  • Contact: Emmanuel Thomé

  • URL: http://cado-nfs.gforge.inria.fr/

In December 2015, a major new release of Cado-nfs , version 2.2.0, was published. It contains several bug fixes, efficiency improvements, and the computation of discrete logarithms is now almost “push-button”.